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Philip Montgomery: visto in mostra a Lodi, veramente notevole!


Originario dell’area di San Francisco, Philip Montgomery (nato nel 1988) è un fotografo freelance basato a NY. Diplomato al programma di foto-giornalismo e fotografia documentaria all’International center of Photography. Il suo lavoro è stato esposto all’Annenberg Space for Photography a Los Angeles, al City Museum of New York, e all’International Center of Photography a New York. Nel 2015, Philip è stato nominato tra i 30 Emerging Photographers di PDN e si è aggiudicato il primo posto al Pictures of the Year International, NPPA Best of Photojournalism, American Photography 31, and PDN Photo Annual.

Originally from the San Francisco Bay-Area, Philip Montgomery (b. 1988) is a New York City based freelance photographer. He is a graduate of the Photojournalism and Documentary Program at the International Center of Photography. Philip’s work has been exhibited at the Annenberg Space for Photography in Los Angeles, the City Museum of New York, and the International Center of Photography in New York. In 2015, Philip was named as one of PDN‘s 30 Emerging Photographers and was awarded First Place in the features category in Pictures of the Year International, NPPA Best of Photojournalism, American Photography 31, and PDN Photo Annual.

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