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Jessica Backhaus


Jessica Backhaus è nata a Cuxhaven, in Germania, nel 1970 ed è cresciuta in una famiglia di artisti.

All’età di 16 anni, si è trasferita a Parigi, dove ha poi studiato fotografia e comunicazione visiva. Qui è avvenuto l’incontro con Gisèle Freund, che poi divenne la sua mentore.

Nel 1995, la sua passione per la fotografia l’ha guidata verso New York, dove ha lavorato come assistente per diversi fotografi, ha seguito i propri progetti ed ha vissuto fino al 2009.

Jessica Backhaus è considerata una delle voci più significative nella fotografia contemporanea tedesca oggi.

I suoi lavori sono stati esposti in numerose mostre personali e collettive, tra cui la National Portrait Gallery, Londra, e il Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlino. Le sue fotyografie fanno parte di molte collezioni d’arte, tra cui Art Collection Deutsche Börse, Germany, ING Art Collection, Belgium, Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA and the Margulies Collection, Miami, USA.

Attualmente basata a Berlino, Jessica divide il suo tempo e la sua vita tra Europa e Stati Uniti. Ha pubblicato sei libri con Kehrer Verlag: Jesus and the Cherries (2005), What Still Remains (2008), One Day in November (2008, dedicato a Gisèle Freund), I Wanted to See the World (2010), ONE DAY – Ten Photographers (2010), Once, Still and Forever (2012).

Oltre alle monografie pubblicate con Kehrer Verlag, il lavoro di Jessica Backhaus è incluso in:
Women Photographers. From Julia Margaret Cameron to Cindy Sherman di Boris Friedewald – Le 55 donne fotografe più influenti nella storia (Prestel, 2014)
The Photographers’ Sketchbooks di Stephen McLaren and Bryan Formhals (Thames & Hudson, 2014) – Un libro che illustra i processi creativi dell’era fotografica moderna; tra gli autorio anche Alec Soth e Trent Parke.

Jessica Backhaus was born in Cuxhaven, Germany in 1970 and grew up in an artistic family.

At the age of sixteen, she moved to Paris, where she later studied photography and visual communications. Here she met Gisèle Freund in 1992, who became her mentor.

In 1995 her passion for photography drew her to New York, where she assisted photographers, pursued her own projects and lived until 2009.

Jessica Backhaus is regarded as one of the most distinguished voices in contemporary photography in Germany today. Her work has been shown in numerous solo and group exhibitions, including the National Portrait Gallery, London, and the Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin. Her photographs are in many prominent art collections including Art Collection Deutsche Börse, Germany, ING Art Collection, Belgium, Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA and the Margulies Collection, Miami, USA. Based in Berlin, Jessica divides her time and life between Europe and the United States. She has published six books with Kehrer Verlag: Jesus and the Cherries (2005), What Still Remains (2008), One Day in November (2008, dedicated to Gisèle Freund), I Wanted to See the World (2010), ONE DAY – Ten Photographers (2010), Once, Still and Forever (2012).

Jessica Backhaus is based in Berlin and is currently working on a new project,

In addition to the monographies published with Kehrer Verlag, Jessica Backhaus’s work is also included in:

Women Photographers. From Julia Margaret Cameron to Cindy Sherman by Boris Friedewald
The 55 most influential women photographers in history. (Prestel, 2014)

The Photographers’ Sketchbooks by Stephen McLaren and Bryan Formhals (Thames & Hudson, 2014)
A book that celebrates the creative processes of the modern photographic era; among the authors also Alec Soth and Trent Parke.

An interview

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